I had a chance to catch up with Angelo Mei, the director / producer of "Chasing the Dream." He grew up and currently lives in Los Angeles. He studied all aspects of film making at the Art Institute of Los Angeles. His passion lies with the directing side of film making.
Angelo became interested in film making and surfing in his early twenties when he bought his first camcorder and started filming surfers. He is someone who is very comfortable in his station in life. Angelo is doing what he loves and he loves who he's with. When asked about his personal life he said, "I'm in a very happy, healthy relationship and it feels good!"

Who would you like to meet and why?
I'd like to meet Larry Clark so I could give him a copy of "Chasing the Dream" and give him John Philbin's (co-producer of "Chasing the Dream") script called, " Grom." I would love for him to be the Executive Producer.
What are you most proud of?
Being an honest person.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Having a happy healthy lifestyle with a few more films under my belt.
What are your hobbies and interests outside of film making?
Surfing, reading, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
What is your favorite film?
He couldn't decide on one, so he gave me a few.
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"
"The King of Comedy"
"The Passenger"
"Murder Ball"
"Mad Hot Ballroom"
"The Devil and Daniel Johnston"
What is your favorite song?
"Hotter Than Hell," by Kiss.
Any regrets?
I have no regrets, even the negative experiences give you and education.
Do you have any pointers that you could share with someone who would like to follow in your footsteps?
Listen to everyone, even if they are younger. You can always learn something from them.
"Chasing the Dream," is now on dvd. Gary Busey was the narrator on this documentary and was very excited when Angelo dropped him off a copy. If you would like to find out more about Angelo or "Chasing the Dream," check out:
I'm sure there will be more to come from Angelo. I for one am looking forward to it.